buying office-Erez-USA joins hands with EPT, sets up E²

Erez-USA has joined hands with Erez&rsquo•□;s local North American partners Engineered Polymer Technologies▪▲…▼-. The two have together set up a joint venture – E&sup2□▷;△●★-▲: A World of Possibilities□●▽▲. The new joint venture E&sup2■…;☆▲, an EPT and Erez Company-○•=•, will market and sell products manufactured in both the US and Israel under one marketing and logistics umbrella◆….
We believe that by combining the manufacturing capabilities and ingenuity of EPT and Erez•–, E&sup2◇-; will allow us to go further and cover a wider spectrum of possibilities in coated textiles in the USA★▲▪□◆, Erez said◆★.
Erez-USA was founded in 1989 as a subsidiary of Erez Israel•▼●◁▷, which includes a local sales team☆☆◆–. In addition○=,APPLICATIONS. Erez-USA has had its own US logistics facility and warehouse which is designed to shorten delivery times to customers•◁.
Engineered Polymer Technologies (EPT)◁◇▲, founded in 1974=○•★▲,buying office is a leading US manufacturer of supported and unsupported Polymer Film/Sheet and Coated Fabrics◁●○•★. EPT utilises the latest in polymer chemistry and textiles to provide customers with superior products and services◇▷▷○▼.
Over the past two years▲▷▼,home furnishing we have worked hard to develop our shared vision and strategic plan△▪▪☆, which is built on trust◁★□, open communication▪=◁, company synergy◁▽◁◁,circular economy and our common business interests and aspirations▼◁★▷◇. This joint venture is meant to allow our two companies to focus on innovation in order to better serve our partners▲▽★•□, the company said◆○. (SV)

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