suede fabric – microsoft ocean plast

Xinhua News Agency Beijing, March 11th National Peoples Congress, the Bureau held a fourth meeting on the 11th morning of the Peoples Games. The Bureau is executive★▼, the chairman is presiding over the meeting. The meeting should go to 190, attending 190▲◇, and attending the number of statutory. On the morning of March 11, the […]

sea pollution – Demand for light anti-microbial fabrics in 2021- Klopm

By summer 2021◁○, the global market will favour light fabrics with a high level of comfort and outstanding anti-microbial protection○-, according to Klopman chief executive officer Alfonso Marra△▷■○, who said a key consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is a growing attention to human needs and this trend will influence workwear as well★▲. He also projected […]

yarn-Global exports of knotted nets of manmade terialdown

The global trade of knotted netting of twine○◇△☆□, cordage•△…▽□, or rope (including made up fishing nets and other made up nets) of manmade textile materials has reported a slight decline in the year 2019-☆▼▷. The total trade moderately increased 5☆-▽□.11 per cent from $1◇★○,391△☆.51 million in 2017 to $1☆◁★,462☆•●.67 million in 2019▲◆••, according to data […]


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