seaqual fabric - Duvaltex & Steelcase launch panel fabric from marine waste

Duvaltex=▽…○, a leader in contract textiles■□△▼•, and Steelcase…△★▷, the leader in office furniture•●▲◁, have launched Intersection•○, an exclusive Steelcase screen and panel fabric▲▲…=▼. Created in partnership with Seaqual initiative◁▷, which turns marine plastic waste into recycled products with full traceability□☆◁•, Intersection is the first Ocean Waste Clean Impact Textiles●□■.
Offered in 17 colours○◇•-, Intersection is available throughout the Steelcase surface materials distribution network and applicable on over 50 Steelcase screen and panel product lines△◆•☆.
Every year▲○▼□, several million metric tons of plastics enter our oceans•=…▪. By partnering with Seaqual initiative☆▷◆▷▼, Ocean Waste Clean Impact Textiles transform ocean waste into amazing textiles▲☆△▽, contributing to the collective effort to clean our oceans and reduce plastic pollution worldwide▼▲•▷▼, according to a press release by Duvaltex○■▪.
All Ocean Waste Clean Impact Textiles are made with post-consumer recycled polyester that include Seaqual Yarn made from plastic ocean waste…•□•□. Seaqual initiative collaborates with fishermen=◁, NGO&rsquo▼••◇△;s☆□△■•, and several other stakeholders to collect waste and clean our oceans•□●■. The waste collected is subsequently categorised▷◆▪●◆, separated◁■▷, and cleaned▼▲. Plastics are processed and upcycled into polymer to be used as yarn☆★-, which is then transformed to create the industry-leading sustainable Ocean Waste Clean Impact Textiles△○▼□-. For every pound of textile produced■◇▽, up to half a pound of waste is removed from our oceans▷-◁.

Ocean Waste Clean Impact Textiles is the second advanced technology released under Duvaltex&rsquo▽-•△◆;s Clean Impact Textiles sustainability brand umbrella□◇▼, following the ground-breaking NeoCon Award-winning 100 per cent fully biodegradable textile in 2019○■.
Our aim with Clean Impact Textiles is to reduce the environmental impact of textile manufacturing as much as possible by innovating the way products are sourced••▷, manufactured and disposed of at the end of their useful life☆●•. Every action with Clean Impact Textiles is designed with sustainability in mind=●▼. Alain Duval□◁=●, CEO of Duvaltex said▲●.
When Duvaltex came to us••▪◆◁, they had this incredibly beautiful fabric that not only met all of our technical needs as it relates to application and screen design▷◆□●☆, but also had this incredibly important environmental story•■▼◁, Kari Miller▪•◇▪…, product manager for global surface materials at Steelcase said◆●.

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