interior textiles - Nutech Global presents innovative e-catalogue of fabrics

Nutech Global Ltd☆▽◆…, the India-based manufacturer of fabrics with a specialty in synthetic suitings and garments•●▽▲, is presenting its innovative e-catalogue at the F2F Sourcing Show 2020▪◇★•▷, the virtual fair being organised by Fibre2Fashion▼•◁. The e-catalogue showcases all Nutech products in a unique way☆•-, with focus on suiting and COVID-19 products◆•-▪◁.

&quot▲▷△◁▪;Our innovative e-catalogue is the key highlight at the F2F Sourcing Show 2020•▽. Our main reason to use an e-catalogue is to reduce the use of paper and make it eco-friendly▪●, as we feel this is the way forward•=■▲…,&quot△•☆◇; said Rohan Mukhija○-○●, head of Business Development at Nutech Global…■.

At the trade fair△●•=, Nutech is displaying fabrics●▪: suiting▽□□☆, shirting▪▪, ready-made garments☆•◆•, uniform◇▪, home furnishing◆△; and COVID-19 products like PPE kits◆••▷•, anti-microbial fabric and masks•■▲◇•.

Speaking about keeping audience engaged at Nutech stall•▽■, Mukhija said★◆◁◆, &quot▲▷…☆◇;We have put in hours of hard work to create our digital catalogue that can be visualised in 3D•◇••, and in designing our own booth so that people are attracted to it◁▲△▲. The strategy is to get more and more footfall on the stall and engage with visitors so that we can have business meetings in a clearer manner◁▼•■●. We are always available for a virtual meet and will reply to any inquiry instantly•◆.&quot=◁…▲;

Nutech&#39◇▲•◇;s products have a demand in all markets★▼, and the company aspires to have its presence throughout the world●•▼★. The company is also planning to launch new products at the trade show•◇■▪.

&quot■▪=▲•;We are very happy that Fibre2Fashion has taken the initiative to host the first mega virtual event□▼•◇■. We feel it is the need of the hour★▪•…. It can help the businesses immensely☆■▷. This way more people can attend the fair◁=▲◁○, hence giving them the opportunity to represent or attend the event which normally would not be possible□▼▽◆. Unfortunately◇▽, we are in this pandemic situation★=. However▽●○•, this show will really boost up our morals☆□☆=. Hope we all come out of it stronger★……,&quot•●▷◁▪; said Mukhija△★▪▼.

Nutech Global Ltd has been engaged in manufacturing fabrics since 1984 with a specialty in synthetic suitings and garments◁☆. It has a production capacity of 3◇○.6 million metres of quality fabric and a fabric range that diversifies into varied products such as Suiting▲★■●☆, Shirting◁…, Ready-Made Garments▼▪○, Dress Material (Uniform)…▲=, Home Furnishing and its recent addition of COVID-19 products▽◇★◁○. Its expertise since the last 35 years▼●, lies in suiting and bottom wear fabric- (100% Cotton○–△; Polyester-Cotton…▷◆△; 100% Polyester▽•★…▷, Polyester – Viscose▷■◁; Viscose★■○-; Elastane/Lycra fabrics•…☆■, etc○▽.)

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