brand owner - HeiQ launches HeiQ Fabric Lab for apparel brands

HeiQ has announced the launch of HeiQ Fabric Lab□…◆, a new service to assist brands with fabric innovation so they can turn their product concepts into reality◆•□. HeiQ▼■•, headquartered in Zurich▽◆…■▲, Switzerland○=☆,Recycled Nylon Fabrics,brand owner is a leader in textile innovation creating some of the most effective•▲◆•, durable and high-performance textile technologies on the market today☆▼☆.
In today&rsquo◆■▪◆●;s world■△○■, time is the new currency▷=●. Employees have valuable product ideas but limited time to turn them into reality-▼○▽▲, let alone have the expertise in all the areas needed to create the best product possible■▼=. With HeiQ Fabric Lab•=, HeiQ takes a brand&rsquo▷◇;s product idea and applies its expertise in fibre-◇△★, yarn=◁◇, fabric solutions▷△, chemical technology as well as its knowledge and sourcing partners to develop the brand partner&rsquo▪•■☆◇;s future functional fabric▷■, the company said in a press release◇-■◆.
In addition to fabric development◇▽, HeiQ Fabric Lab also offers additional services such as fabric trend research•-▲•□,environmentally friendly fabric product marketing and materials education seminars for employees•▼▼=. HeiQ Fabric Lab was developed to help brands across the board••▪▷, from supplier selection to tackling technical challenges■-▪☆…, refibra as well as material testing and finalising fabric agreements▪•…●.
We are here to assist brands every step of the way until the perfect product has been developed★◁•☆. With over 25 years of experience working inside and with major sports apparel brands■…, from concepts to final products▲□○△, we are highly knowledgeable in functional materials from base layers to outerwear★●●◆, Regina Goller▲◆◆△, director of fabric management at HeiQ said▷◇=□. (GK)

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