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Original title: Four years 50 sexual violations 6 measures such as identification can only be used. (Oriental IC / Figure) In the past four years, the media reports and the drip drivers sexual invasion, sexual harassment incidents treated by the relevant departments▽▪☆, at least 50. Female passengers were raped by a windmill driver, and it had taken place in 2017•☆▪○. Participation of the drip public relations department: Take a punishment of the sexual harassment incidents – a permanent enclosure account==, but it has to be recognized that there is a problem that the problem of fracture of sexual harassment is difficult-•. 50 drivers●▲, at least 3 people have a criminal preceding department that endangers personal safety, but through the “three certificat.

On May 27◁▲▽=, the Hong Kong Civil Engineering Group issued a statement that the Fully supported the Legislative Council through the Improvement System (Comprehensive Amendment) Bill in 2021. This marks the legislative work that is perfecting the Hong Kong election system from the national level to improve the Hong Kong election system has been completed. After the improved electoral system is in line with the Constitution, the Basic Law of Hong Kong and ○◇”One Country”•△▼★, which is conducive to the implementation of the principle of △◆▼•”Patriot Governance”▼★, which is conducive to the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and “one country and two systems” practice stabilize=▲•■, in line with the national and Hong Kongs social interests. After the Ministry of Construction△•, the Hong Kong society will be more stable after the electoral system, and provide good conditions for improving the policy◁▽, and the despect government will hurry up the opportunity, and active.

Original title: Yin Zhaoyue representative (Guangdong Chaozhou Mayor): Social Governance Weight To move to the grassroots level, the key is the grassroots•◆●=; safe and stable, center of gravity is in the grassroots level. Chaozhou is currently actively exploring the new model of grassroots governance▷•, vigorously promoting service gridization○=●•, functional integration, platform intelligence▪○☆, governance socialization, and building grassroots party organizations, and effectively play the leadership of grassroots party organizations in grassroots governance. Take the lead and combat the fortress■★▽▪. Next=•□○, Chaozhou City will innovate social governance system, improve social governance, and put resources, service, manage the grassroots=◇, combined with grassroots party□□…, so that the grassroots have the right to taste◁○▼▽. First, accelerate the improvement and optimization of the construction of intelligent platforms, fully use the cloud computing, big data□•, etc., explore the use of intelligent cha▽□•.

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