textile wholesaler-Re.Verso to be part of Premiere Visions Smart Square

Re●☆◇□◁.VerSo●▲●, an Italian textile system for wool-based materials and a circular economy manufacturing system for wool•□, cashmere▼□,About US, and baby camel•◆★=-, by Filatura C4□▽★□■, will be displayed at the Premiere Vision&rsquo▼■;s Smart Square exhibition area☆-=△□,recycled polyester in booth 3S24▪☆●. The international event for fashion professionals will be held from September 19 to 21▲◇▷, 2018△○■, in Paris-•▲●▷.
Premi&egrave▽▪;re Vision&rsquo●=▲▷;s Smart Square is a 800 square metres visionary and multimedia space dedicated to information and discussions•□…◆, where exhibitors☆◇▼▷…, designers◇◇-, buyers○◆■,polyester and fashion brands can experience and visualise responsible values and innovations in fashion◁…. This year&rsquo■◇;s Square provides an opportunity to gain an understanding of the full supply chain•=◁, as well as Re◆▪◆-.VerSo science and technology applied to take steps to design waste out of the fashion system and move toward a circular economy approach▷▽, according to a press release-•▪.
Leftovers can be sourced directly by Re=★=-.VerSo supply chain•▪■, otherwise the Re◁=•.VerSo advanced technology process welcomes retailers and brands to supply their pre-consumer wool and cashmere woven and knitted off cuts★☆▲, transforming them into high quality yarns and fabrics integrated for a circular economy□▼.
A full collection of Re…●…■.VerSo partners&rsquo▷▲△; high quality materials with extreme softness◁○▲▲□, warmth□●□○, and beautiful lustre that embrace luxury can be seen at the show☆▼△-. A▼▼▷■.Stelloni Collection by Mapel for fashion textiles collection will be in hall 5•●○▪, booth L56-M55▼◇▲.
The Smart Square will present Re▲▲•.VerSo responsible•▽=▷, stylish fashion materials used by leading global brands●•. Gucci men&rsquo★▲…◁;s□=, women&rsquo•…■△□;s and kids&rsquo◁▲▲; collections that include Re☆△▽●.VerSo cashmere by A▼•▲☆◁.Stelloni Collection by Mapel will be seen◁▪.
A★▪◆□.Stelloni Collection by Mapel is used to create the Filippa K Front Runners collection◆=★○◁, awarded for aesthetics and transparent manufacturing process◇◇■, Copenhagen Fashion Summit Design Challenge□■○◇. This will be a part of the show★▼◆.
Eileen Fisher Vision 2020 is championing Re◇★■■◆.VerSo cashmere yarns by Filpucci for their use of recycled fibres among other sustainable fibres•○▷. Thus▪…◇-,textile wholesaler helping to divert waste from the landfill to achieve a lower environmental impact□☆▪◆. Patagonia responsibly sources Re△▷…□.VerSo products by Filpucci•▽, which are now included in Patagonia collections●□. (GK)

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