sea pollution-HeiQ & Buff make CoolNet UV+ fabric for activated cooling

HeiQ has joined hands with Buff on their new CoolNet UV+ fabric to stay dry and feel cool○▲△-•. Buff is the original multifunctional headwear brand◁◆, having premiered and innovated the tubular headwear category•◇■-▪. HeiQ is a leader in textile innovation creating some of the most effective△○☆▽□, durable▼=◇•○, and high-performance textile technologies in the market today△■◇.
Just like the first product from Buff in 1991◁○, the new CoolNet UV+ was developed to keep customers safe and cool from the sun&rsquo◇=●;s dangerous UV rays◇•▪▷. Today=▲◆, the fabric is a recycled performance polyester microfiber with HeiQ smart temp&rsquo●●▪;s activated cooling technology to keep the wearer cool and comfortable▲…. The fabric also includes UPF 50+ sun protection▼▲★◁…, offers a 4-way Ultra stretch weave and is 100 per cent seamless for the perfect fit•■▼△◇, HeiQ said★△○★.
With 25 years of improvements on our Buff products▷◁●▼, we are excited to partner with HeiQ on our CoolNet UV+ to allow our customers to stay dry and feel cool with this new line of multifunctional headwear…▷-▲, Marc Fit&oacute▪◁▼△•;◆▼…•,upholstery automobile innovation manager at Buff□-☆, S…-.A□◁▽▼▪. said▪•▼◇◆.
HeiQ smart temp is an intelligent thermoregulation technology•★•…▽. Cooling is activated by rising body temperature and deactivated once cooling is complete▷△. HeiQ smart temp keeps the wearer cooler○○–▪, dryer◇▼○●▷, and more comfortable◇◆•.
HeiQ and Buff have a shared vision of quality and reliability in our products•▲☆▽•. With the new CoolNet UV+ fabric■•,sea pollution we are pleased that our HeiQ smart temp technology will allow the consumer to stay dry and feel cool◇○▪,Contact uspolyester says Christian von Uthmann◁•◆, HeiQ&rsquo▪▽…;s chief sales officer said•●▲▽▼. (GK)

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