post consumer-Global exports of woven pile fabrics slightly down

The global trade of woven pile fabrics has reported a slight fall in the year 2019★▼○▲■. The total trade marginally increased 0○=●★▲.14 per cent from $2▲…=,650▲■.08 million in 2017 to $2◆-■•,661•◇▷▲.34 million in 2019=◁▷, according to the data from TexPro=▲. The total trade of woven pile fabrics has declined by 2○○●.59 per cent in 2019 compared to the previous year□▪□.Further the trade is anticipated to surge to $2□☆○▪▼,678▪-=☆.71 million in 2022 with a rate of 0•▽○△.65 per cent from 2019-▪○△, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39▲•◁;s market analysis tool TexPro▽■▪△.The global export of woven pile fabrics was $1●□☆…,844◆▪▽•☆.89 million in 2017●●▽■◆, which declined 0▽■.17 per cent to $1•★•■◆,841▲-.76 million in 2019▲★◆. Total exports fell 0★○●☆□.26 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to move down to $1■▼,837▷▪▪.07 million in 2022 with a rate of 0◆★•□.25 per cent from 2019▽■.The global import value of woven pile fabrics was $805•□▲▼.19 million in 2017◇▼□,About US, which grew 1-△■△.79 per cent to $819★●◁.58 million in 2019=◇◇. However•▷•, total imports were down 7★☆●□△.49 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to grow to $841★▪.64 million in 2022 with a rate of 2•▼▪.69 per cent from 2019•●★★•.China ($1◆=○,upcycling plastic bottlespost consumer208•◁☆●•.86 million) and Italy ($101□=.26 million) were the key exporters of woven pile fabrics across the globe in 2019-★•, together comprising 71▷◁▪.13 per cent of total export◇…. These were followed by Portugal ($78▼★◇.18 million)◇★…, Turkey ($75▽◆▲.24 million) and Germany ($60■◁••….25 million)-□☆★◇.From 2016 to 2019▼▷•, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value☆■, amongst the main exporting countries◁=•, was attained by Italy (15☆◇●.12 per cent) only▷…•.Vietnam ($146◇◆▪-.81 million)•◇•, UK ($65▼•▼.95 million) and US ($57△…△○.12 million) were the key importers of woven pile fabrics across the globe in 2019△●-◁, together comprising 32■==.93 per cent of total import★○. These were followed by Italy ($44…◁.56 million)…□△, Poland ($44…▲◆▼◇.47 million) and Czech Republic ($34•▼.58 million)▲■▷□▪.From 2016 to 2019○◁, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value▽▼,rpet polyester amongst the main importing countries•▲▪•■, was attained by Vietnam (7•☆-▷▽.82 per cent) and US (13◇▽.10 per cent)★☆••.

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