material agent-UK university finds natural solution for fabric fire safety problem

The University of Huddersfield has collaborated with UK textiles firm Camira to investigate natural solutions to produce fire resistant fabrics with a more sustainable manufacturing process☆▲. Collaborating with Future Fashion Factory▲▪, the company is moving towards a new finish that meets the same performance standards with a much smaller environmental impact▪☆.

The finish reduces water•▷, energy and chemical usage for more efficient and sustainable manufacturing=■◇, according to a press release from the university◇▷•.

Finishing offers fabrics many of their most important characteristics◆▲. Camira Fabrics supplies high-end interior fabrics for everything from homeware to public transport●◁,post consumer recycled polyestermaterial agent meaning flame-retardant finishes are a top priority•▼.

The University of Huddersfield has collaborated with UK textiles firm Camira to investigate natural solutions to produce fire resistant fabrics with a more sustainable manufacturing process-▪▷▷•. Collaborating with Future Fashion Factory▪▲△,post-consumer polyester the company is moving towards a new finish that meets the same performance standards with a much smaller environmental impact■•◆◇▪.To investigate natural flame-retardant finishes△…-△=,SEAQUAL Final Products, Camira collaborated with Parik Goswami at the university☆☆. We&rsquo-■◆;re focused on using chemistry from the natural environment to support the region&rsquo▲▼□-;s businesses to become more sustainable-□★, says Goswami▪-□▷●. It&rsquo▷◁;s exciting to harness natural resources to give Yorkshire companies the cutting edge when facing tomorrow&rsquo▽○-▽;s challenges◁•○=●.

Goswami and his team in the Technical Textiles Research Centre undertook lab testing of new natural chemical alternatives…●★○.

The result was a promising set of findings which shed light on the potential performance of a natural flame-retardant finish▽◁▷. Even more exciting▲☆▽, the new solution could be added to the fabric in the dye bath as part of a one-step dyeing and finishing process●◁.

Camira&rsquo▼★■;s wool/bast fibre fabrics have a natural inherent flame retardancy offering a sustainable solution for some sectors◇◁, but for other wool fabrics◁□▽☆, which require chemical flame retardant treatments…□, the industry is in need of a more sustainable solution■▽○.

Camira is currently investigating commercial sources of natural chemicals that will enable them to scale up and commercialise the new technique◆▼■. The novel approach could be applicable in markets that are still closed to the company-○, creating new opportunities worldwide•=. Bringing an innovative solution to market could even give Camira a new revenue stream△▽▼-▲.

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