fabric factory-Global trade of long pile fabrics decline

The global trade of long pile fabrics (knitted and crocheted) has shown a sharp decline in 2019 after the strong gain in 2018•▽. The total trade has dropped 1△●□=△.32 per cent from 2017 to 2019…▲, according to the data from TexPro△◆▲. The global trade of long pile fabrics was $1●●★,129☆=•●.15 million in 2017…★◁-, which moved down to $1□◁▲▪,recycled ocean plastic waste114•▷▽.26 million in 2019▼••▲.The total trade of long pile fabrics has reduced 10☆○.23 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is anticipated to drop to $1▽…•●□,103▽==▪.99 million in 2022 with a rate of 0…◇.92 per cent from 2019○•, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39•▷★;s market analysis tool TexPro★★-▪○.The global export of long pile fabrics was $702◁▲.51 million in 2017☆△◁, which increased 4•▼☆▷.51 per cent to $734○◇.22 million in 2019-•. Total exports decreased 8◇◆◆◁▷.69 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to rise to $784•■◆▷•.49 million in 2022 with a rate of 6•●◇.85 per cent from 2019•▪=▲•.The global import value of long pile fabrics was $426◇◁…▲-.64 million in 2017▲☆, which reduced 10◇★.92 per cent to $380◁=.03 million in 2019…●◆-=. Total imports fell 13○◆◁.05 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to weaken to $319☆□◁.50 million in 2022 with a rate of 15•▼….93 per cent from 2019▲△▼▷.China ($490●◁▽○=.25 million) and Italy ($64-=★.02 million) were the key exporters of long pile fabrics across the globe in 2019□▷,bci certification together comprising 75▲■□.49 per cent of total export◆▼△. These were followed by South Korea ($39☆•◇▪.92 million)▽▪▲, Taiwan ($19▽▷★.44 million) and Germany ($17•▪■=◆.86 million)◇▪◇.From 2016 to 2019•=▲,fabric factory the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value▪•○, amongst the main exporting countries▽▪, was attained by China (33▼▽△.86 per cent)◇◇…•★.Mexico ($67▪◁.71 million)△☆, Paraguay ($36•△…◇○.23 million)▪★◇△●, Morocco ($28•▪■▪◆.52 million) and Italy ($25▷=.95 million) were the key importers of long pile fabrics across the globe in 2019●-△, together comprising 41◆•★△◁.68 per cent of total import▷★. These were followed by Turkey ($16-▽○.34 million)☆▷▷○, Russia ($15☆•=☆.69 million) and US ($12○▽▽◇▷.93 million)•☆★○.From 2016 to 2019…•-,Seaqual elastic fabrics for activewear. the most notable rate of growth in terms of import value○▪•◇, amongst the main importing countries▷••=, was attained by Morocco (356△◁.59 per cent) and Paraguay (130…••★.20 per cent)◁◁•◆.

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