automotive interior textile-Sharp rise in global trade of carded wool woven fabrics

The global trade value of woven fabrics of carded wool (or of carded fine animal hair) has shown a sharp rise in 2018▽○○. Total trade moved up by 7•□▲.98 per cent in 2018 over the previous year■□☆▪•, according to data from TexPro•☆□-. The global trade of woven fabrics of carded wool was $2▪▽▲◆□,074▲▽▽.47 million in 2017-◆, which triggered to $2☆■▪◇,Supporting Gift Of SEAQUAL YARN Drawstring Backpack,239★●.94 million in 2018●■-•△.The total trade of woven fabrics of carded wool is anticipated to boost to $2▼=△□▼,433★▪.17 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 2★…▲.80 per cent from 2018▼–,industrial fabric according toFibre2Fashion&#39◇▼•;s market analysis tool TexPro◁◆△.The global export of woven fabrics of carded wool was $1▪▷▪★,255■◆◆.29 million in 2016▽▷, which was increased by 2-■.98 per cent to $1▽☆◇,292▪◆.74 million in 2018◆◇◆-□. Total exports increased by 8-…△.61 per cent in 2018 over the previous year and is expected to reach $1●•▽◁,351○•○•▷.03 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 1☆△•.48 per cent from 2018▽●▽□☆.The global import of woven fabrics of carded wool was $866□…■△◇.72 million in 2016▼▲▪▼, which was climbed up by 9★▼.29 per cent to $947-▷-◆….20 million in 2018▼•●▲◇. Total imports moved up by 7▼★◆▷.12 per cent in 2018 over the previous year and is expected to upswing with CAGR of 4▲•■•.54 per cent to $1•■▷,082•□▲●.14 million in 2021 from 2018★▲□●.Italy ($502…■.49 million)▼…▷□,automotive interior textile China ($290▽•□.31 million)▲•, UK ($107▪○.59 million) and Japan ($71◁●◆•▽.59 million) were the key exporters of woven fabrics of carded wool across the globe in 2018▲•==, together comprising 75▲-•.19 per cent of total export…△▼◁-. These were followed by Germany ($43□▲●….58 million)▼◇, Spain ($42=◆◁□.33 million)△▼, Denmark ($36=▲▪◇.00 million) and France ($23=▽▪△▷.29 million)•◁▼•●.From 2013 to 2018▷▷▽, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export▷▲•, amongst the main exporting countries▷-…★, was attained by China (55……★●-.16 per cent) and Japan (19□-▽▷▼.86 per cent)▪◁.China ($95▷=.97 million)▲▲●•,material consulting Romania ($63◁…△◆.25 million)=▪☆◁▽, France ($62▪•□◇.58 million) and Morocco ($53◁■◇△•.07 million) were the key importers of woven fabrics of carded wool across the globe in 2018■★◁●-, together comprising 29-■▼△▽.02 per cent of total import◁☆◁•★. These were followed by the Spain ($46–○◆.80 million)…◇▷, Germany ($45•••■.59 million)◆☆, South Korea ($45☆-★◆.23 million) and US ($36○☆△▪.57 million)•▷.From 2013 to 2018□☆□, the most notable rate of growth in terms of import•□▲, amongst the main importing countries•▲•, was attained by Morocco (119=▲★•.56 per cent)▷◆=, Romania (17☆☆.53 per cent) and China (11◁○•▲-.23 per cent)□■△□.

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